Where is SolarAPP+ available?

SolarAPP+ is fully active in the following jurisdictions:

Link to interactive California Map

The following jurisdictions are currently piloting SolarAPP+. Often, piloting jurisdictions begin using SolarAPP+ with a predetermined group of installers, which is referred to as a "closed" pilot . Installers not part of this predetermined group cannot use SolarAPP+ in that jurisdiction until further notice (usually when the pilot concludes and SolarAPP+ is fully adopted).

Conversely, if a jurisdiction chooses to launch an open pilot, any interested installer may submit eligible projects via SolarAPP+ in that jurisdiction.

The status of each piloting jurisdiction can be found below:

Many jurisdictions are planning to adopt SolarAPP+ soon. Please check back for an updated list.

*solar and storage is being piloted in this AHJ and is not available for all contractors at this time.

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