How do I prepare for an inspection?

With the SolarAPP+ inspection checklist, you know exactly what will be looked at and verified during the inspection and have the ability to prepare well in advance of when the jurisdiction's inspector arrives on site. Follow some of these basic steps to ensure that you are prepared for your inspection and pass the first time. 

  1. Ensure you have the correct date and time for the inspection, ensuring that you will leave time to arrive early at the beginning of the appointment time or window. 
  2. Ensure you have all documentation needed (i.e. SolarAPP+ approval documents, inspection checklist, all tools and equipment necessary, and any supporting documentation that the jurisdiction requires). 
  3. Use the SolarAPP+ inspection checklist to walk through the installation, ensuring that all items will pass the inspection. 

This information is also available in the following instructional guide for contractors using SolarAPP+:

To view in full screen click the three-dot menu icon on the viewer and select 'Enter Full Screen'

To view in GoogleDocs use this link:  SolarAPP+: Contractor Input Training.

Also, you may access this free SolarAPP+ inspector's training developed by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) for more information on inspections.

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