What model building code years does SolarAPP+ enforce?

To satisfy the greatest number of jurisdictions, SolarAPP+ was initially built to the 2017 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70 National Electrical Code (NEC) and the 2018 I-Codes (International Residential Code, and International Building Code) developed by the International Code Council (ICC). SolarAPP+ now accommodates jurisdictions that utilize the 2023, 2020 or 2017 NEC and 2021, 2018 I-Codes (as enforced in California 2022 Energy Code). As additional code updates are made (such as the 2023 NEC), these will also be incorporated as options for jurisdictions to select.

SolarAPP+ is capable of qualifying to these codes your jurisdiction enforces.

SolarAPP+ can also review for local adopted amendments.

SolarAPP+ also complies with Title 24 of California Building Standards Code. Please visit the FAQs below for more details for information. 



NFPA 1 and NFPA 855 are also supported by SolarAPP+.

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