How is SolarAPP+ different from typical permitting?

Traditional permitting requires installers to submit a plan set (i.e. a site plan and an electrical plan) that is then reviewed by plan check staff at the jurisdiction before a permit is issued. This process can take 5 - 10 business days on average and in some areas much longer. If an application needs to be corrected or revised after the permit is issued, the process may need to start all over again.

SolarAPP+ does not require a site plan or an electrical diagram. Rather, the software requires the installer to input information related to the system design that can then be evaluated for code compliance. If the system is code compliant, the applicant can then proceed to get an instant permit after payment. If the system is not code compliant, the contractor is notified instantly regarding why the system could not be approved. 

To learn how to input a system into SolarAPP+, you can complete the IREC input training

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