What modules and inverters are eligible for SolarAPP+?

All modules and inverters for your project must be included in the California Energy Commission (CEC) database of approved solar equipment, per the Eligibility Checklists.

It may be the case that your equipment is not listed in the CEC database. Please check to make sure the equipment is listed by the CEC before starting the SolarAPP+ application. If modules/inverters are not included in the database, then you will not be able to select the manufacturer and model number for the equipment, and you will not be able to complete the SolarAPP+ application. If you are not able to adjust the modules or inverters used, you will have to go through the traditional review process with the jurisdiction to receive a permit.

If you would like your equipment to be listed in the CEC database, please contact your manufacturer and request they reach out to the CEC.

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