How does SolarAPP+ validate property addresses?

If you are unable to locate an address within a particular jurisdiction in SolarAPP+, the first step is to verify that you have uploaded the necessary licenses and completed the mandatory How to Use SolarAPP+ For Rooftop Solar Projects input training, and sent your completion certificate to or submitted your certificate under your account during onboarding. If your account has not been activated due to a licensing or training issue, SolarAPP+ will show an error message saying your address cannot be found. 

Please be advised that ALL SolarAPP+ jurisdictions require a state contractor's license, and most cities that have adopted SolarAPP+ also require a local business license. Counties typically only require the state license. If your license has been renewed, you must also update the expiration date in your SolarAPP+ account to prevent a delay in project submissions, because SolarAPP+ does not update expiration dates/renewals automatically. Additionally jurisdictions are added to installer accounts individually, so to make sure your account is up to date, it is helpful to email to let us know you need a new jurisdiction added to your account.

If your licenses and training are all complete and verified address is still not being recognized, the next step is to verify the address in Google Maps. The AHJ registry within SolarAPP+ is based on Google Maps, so if an address is not in Google Maps, we are unable to locate it.  If an address is listed differently in the SolarAPP+ portal, you can request an address change using the instructions here since SolarAPP+ pulls addresses directly from Google Maps.

In some cases, if the address for the project is new construction, the address will not be populated in Google Maps yet, so SolarAPP+ won't be able to confirm the location. If the address is not in Google Maps, and is not new construction, the project should be submitted via the traditional permitting framework. 

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