How does SolarAPP+ execute the code compliance check for various components of a system before issuing a permit?

In the following video, you will see that one of the key features of SolarAPP+ is its automated code compliance review process.  SolarAPP+ utilizes automated checks to review the submitted application against relevant building codes and standards before a permit can be issued.  The system validates the input data to ensure accuracy and completeness, such as confirming the correct address and system configurations.  SolarAPP+ completes a remote assessment of the data input by a contractor (system design), and the various component specifications against the applicable codes and standards.  The system then verifies compliance with relevant electrical, fire and structural codes, ensuring that the proposed install meets safety requirements.  The video shows in real time, if/when the system identifies any discrepancies in a proposed application. SolarAPP+ then provides a code compliance report that outlines the specific areas of the application that need to be addressed.  Once the system design is confirmed to be code compliant, SolarAPP+ generates the necessary permit documents, which are instantly issued to the applicant.  

SolarAPP Code Compliance (YouTube link)

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