Where can I find ambient dry bulb temperatures?

Step 1: Create a new bookmark in your default browser.

In Chrome, you can create a new bookmark by right clicking in the bookmarks bar and selecting "add page."

Name the bookmark "Temperature Bookmarklet" and copy and paste the following text in the URL section:

javascript:(function() {let t=document.querySelector("table > tbody:nth-child(8) > tr:nth-child(5) > td:nth-child(5)");t?alert("Low temperature: "+Number(t.textContent)+"\nHigh temperature: "+Math.max(...[...document.querySelectorAll("table > tbody:nth-child(10) > tr:nth-child(20) > td")].map((t=>{let e=t.textContent.trim(),r=Number(e);return isNaN(r)?-1:r})))):alert("Temperature table was not found, right click on the map and select a weather station");})();

Save the bookmark in an accessible location like the bookmarks bar. Creating the bookmark (in Chrome) should look like this:

Step 2: Go to the ASHRAE website.

The link to the ASHRAE site can be found here: http://ashrae-meteo.info/v2.0/

Step 3: Select a weather station in or near your jurisdiction.

There are three ways you can do this:

  1. You can use the search function on the ASHRAE website.
  2. You can right click a location on the map.
  3. You can enter in the coordinates of your jurisdiction.

Once you see a weather station near your jurisdiction, select it by left clicking on the red flag.

Step 4: Activate the bookmark you created by left clicking on it

You must have a weather station selected in order for the bookmark to work.

The high and low temperatures of the selected weather station will pop up near the bookmarks bar. If no temperatures appear try selecting a different weather station nearby and activating the bookmark again.

Here are some helpful links with more information on how to find the ambient dry bulb temperatures for your jurisdcition:

ASHRAE Temperature Bookmarklet Setup - YouTube

ASHRAE Temperature | Ghostbin

ASHRAE Bookmarklet Explanation | Ghostbin

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