Franklin Resources
The Manufacturer Resource Articles document the most common issues and difficulties when entering a particular manufacturer's equipment into SolarAPP+. If you see an issue that is not documented or needs improvement/ changes. Please reach out to
APower & AGate Installation Manual
The A Gate Can be used as the Service Disconnect Ahead of the Main Service Panel Much Like the Tesla Gateway 2.
If you Reference there Installer Design Guide Here (you must be logged into your Franlin WH account to view)
You will see it also allows you to use a load side tap.
Here you can see the AGate (like the Gateway 2) to intersect the backup load center's feeder wire's and provides a partial home backup system.
This Configuration would have 4 busbars ("Service Panels")
Busbar 1 Main Service Panel.
Busbar 2 Back up Loads Center
Busbar 3 ESS AC Combiner Panel
Busbar 4 Enphase PV AC Combiner Panel w/ Envoy PCS
Franklin ESS weighs 396 LBS
Franklin A Power Spec Sheet