Generac Resources

SolarAPP+ Does not Currently Support the RSD architecture that Generac uses. You should take any Generac Installations Directly to the AHJ unless you install their Inverters and Batteries with another RSD Solution.

Per the Generac Engineering Team:

Only the model XVT076A03 is tested to the UL 1741 SB standard. this standard is a requirement FOR ALL SOLAR PROJECTS ON SOLARAPP+, in California, and other areas where IEEE 1547-2018 is adopted state-wide (or by local area EPS) 

Generac Support:

  1.   The following links are all available from the following main page for Installer Support:

  1.     If someone is not a Generac Certified Dealer but is interested in onboarding with us, they should contact our PWRcell Inside Sales team at 855-635-5186 option 1. 
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