Bifacial Module Design Considerations

Check the Cell type of the Module to see if it is Monocrystalline or Bifacial

Find the Short Circuit Current: "Isc (A)" under Standard Test Conditions. In this case, it is 10.74 amps

First you have the high irradiance factor of 1.25 [NEC 690.8(A)(1)(a)(1)] that you apply to the output ISC of the module.

10.74 * 1.25 = 13.425 (This would be the last step if you were working with a Monocrystal Module)

Then, if the module is bifacial, multiply that sum by 1.3 to get your max ISC Amps in an extreme weather event.

13.425 * 1.3 = 17.4525

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