User Management - Installer Roles

A single Installer "Organization" can have multiple named users, each with their own login. Within an Organization, the first user is always created as a "Team Manager". The team manager serves as the 'administrator' for the group, managing users and team settings. Team members are designed to serve as a contractor or project-focused role. Below is a summary of the actions available to each user type:

Action Team Member Team Manager
View all projects ✔️ ✔️
Create new projects ✔️ ✔️
Edit all projects ✔️ ✔️
Manage licenses ✔️ ✔️
Manage AHJs ✔️ ✔️
Modify installer settings
Add users
Edit user roles
Delete users
Manage all uploaded files
Create API token

How to manage users in your organization

  1. When logged into SolarAPP+, select "User Management" in your drop down menu

  1. You'll see a page with all of your users listed. Users that have been invited but have not accepted will show as "Pending Invite" .

  1. Click on "Invite User" and follow the prompt to invite a user; this will generate an email invitation for them to join your Installer organization.
  2. Click on the drop down on the right side of the screen and select "Edit " to either remove the user or modify their role:

Note that the selected role has a checkmark next to it. This will save automatically.


Can I invite a user that already has a SolarAPP+ account?

Yes, you can invite a user with an existing Installer account. Note that if you do this, all of their existing projects will be moved to the new Installer account. Any uploaded licenses in the account of the invited user will not be transferred to the new account.

Are payment methods shared across users?

We've found that most organizations prefer to keep payment methods tied to a single user. Each user will need to enter and manage their own credit cards to pay for projects within SolarAPP+

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