Is my Energy Equipment Supported on SolarAPP+?


SolarAPP+ uses the CEC database to populate its Module/Inverter/Battery fields in the application. For any equipment to be listed or revised, a request must be submitted by the equipment manufacturer to [email protected] or 916-654-4120. You can refer the manufacturer to our website: Forms and instructions can be found here for each equipment type.

PVWatts Tool

Below is an example of how you can sort the CSV if you right click in the grey box in the corner it will apply the rule. I find importing the csv right into a "Google Sheet" is the easiest way to work with the CEC database. It automatically applies the

SolarAPP+ maintains internal databases for BID / RSD / & RACKING Devices.

BID = Backup User Interface types MID/ ATS/ PCS

RSD = Rapid Shutdown Device

Racking = SolarAPP+ maintains the stock listings of supported roofing types from racking manufacturers but does not currently support the logic of 3rd party footing/ mounting attachments.

UL 2703 / tests mounting systems with a specific PV Module for listed use with the grounding limitations of that racking device. SolarAPP+ UL 2703 Compatibility Guide

UL 61730 / PV Modules

UL 1741 / Inverters

UL 9540 & 9540A Batteries

UL 1008 / ATS

If you do not see your BID, RSD, or Racking Component on SolarAPP+

Please reach out to [email protected]


UL Webinar on IEC/ UL 61730 Standard

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