Received an Error Message: PV Rapid Shutdown equipment (PVRSE)

Error Message Received:

Typical Causation:

The error above is typically due to an optimizer or microinverter being paired with too large of a solar module and being larger than the voltage input threshold of the device.

An Example:

See below for an example utilizing the APSmart RSD-D, that can be paired with up to two solar modules at a time, and the Panasonic EVPV420HK2 solar module:

RSD-D Device
Solar Module


In the above case, the Voc of the solar module is 49.1.

Multiplied by (2) modules sharing the one device = 98.2Voc.

Unfortunately, this is greater than the 80V Max. Input Voltage of the APSmart RSD-D.

Potential Solution

As a solution, a different optimizer/microinverter can be utilized, or a module with lower voltage.

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