Received an Error Message: Address Validation Failed

Error Message Received:

Typical Causation:

The error above is typically received when an address is entered correctly, but has been marked by Google Maps as a neighborhood, rather than a city.

An Example:

See below for an example where an address was entered accurately, but the error message was still provided.


The error above is typically due to a geocoding alignment issue with the physical location on Google Maps.

Potential Solution

Verify that the error isn't stemming from a license issue within your account and verify that your license information is up-to-date. See below:

If your license is up-to-date, unfortunately, the issue is outside of the SolarAPP Foundation's control.

This does not necessarily indicate that the address can't have a solar energy system installed. Rather, it is recommended that the project be reviewed by the local Jurisdiction using the traditional permitting process.

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