How do I register an installer account with SolarAPP+?

Getting Started with SolarAPP+ as an Installer

To create your SolarAPP+ account, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Registration Page

    Go to SolarAPP+ Registration to begin the registration process.

  2. Provide Your Company Information

    Enter your company’s:

    • Name
    • Address
  3. Create a Secure Password

    Your password must meet the following criteria:

    • At least 8 characters
    • A mix of uppercase and lowercase letters
    • At least one number and one special character
    • Cannot contain your email address or name
  4. Select Your Account Type

    Choose ‘Installer’ from the Account Type dropdown.

  5. Address Verification

    The system will automatically verify the validity of the address you provided.

  6. Review and Accept the Terms

    Before completing your registration, read and accept the SolarAPP+ Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

  7. Confirmation

    After submitting the form, a confirmation pop-up will appear to confirm that your account has been successfully registered.

Next Steps: Provide Contractor License Information

Before submitting project applications, you’ll need to provide the SolarAPP+ team with the following:

  • Contractor License Number(s)
    • Include the number(s) for each jurisdiction in which you operate.
  • License Expiration Date(s)
    • Provide the expiration date for each jurisdiction.

We will review the eligibility information and verify your contractor license in our system to complete the registration process. Once verified, you will be able to submit project applications in SolarAPP+ for addresses in enabled jurisdictions. Contact us if you have difficulty registering for an account. 

For more information, check out these detailed links:

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