What should we do once we have launched SolarAPP+?

Congratulations on adopting SolarAPP+! 

The goal of this article is to help your jurisdiction spread the word to local solar contractors thereby increasing the share of solar volume going through SolarAPP+.

Steps to Engage the Contractor Community

1. Develop and disseminate a press release announcing that you've adopted SolarAPP+. It can also be helpful to send an email to installers that have frequently done business in your community to inform them that SolarAPP+ is active in your jurisdiction.

2. Update your website where contractors would go for permitting by creating a clear SolarAPP+ landing page. For example, this page provides basic instructions for the new permit application process and helps communicate that SolarAPP+ is ready for business in your area. Examples of SolarAPP+ pages on adopting communities' websites can also be found on this page: Where is SolarAPP+ Available? 

3.  On your SolarAPP+ landing page, clarify to the installer that they need to register with SolarAPP+ before they can submit a project (at https://solarapp.nrel.gov/). 

4. Notify contractors that they will need to complete SolarAPP+ training before they can start using the platform. This is to ensure that the installer will be familiar with the new tool's compliance checks, and they will learn some of the answers to common questions asked by new SolarAPP+ users.

5. Create a SolarAPP+ guide for your installer community. Here is a summary of key areas to focus on in your SolarAPP+ guide: 

  • Which types of projects meet the Eligibility Requirements, and which projects cannot be submitted through SolarAPP+.
  • Step-by-step guide for the contractor to complete the SolarAPP+ application. Include a link to IREC's contractor input training.
  • Process for completing the application to receive a permit and job card from your community, which depends on whether your jurisdiction adopted the standalone or integrated model. This item should describe how to pay the city/county's permit fees.
  • Process for submitting revisions, which may vary depending on the government's permitting software vendor.
  • How inspections work using the SolarAPP+ inspection checklist. Include a link to IREC's inspection training.

*Caution: Keep in mind some of these instructions may differ depending on the implementation process, government software and/or local ordinances that are specific to your community. Here is an example of an adoption guide developed by Pima County, Arizona.

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