The Benefits of SolarAPP+

The National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) has collaborated with a team of experts, including solar industry groups, code bodies such as the ICC, the building safety community, environmental organizations, and local governments to develop SolarAPP+.

SolarAPP+ is an online permitting platform that automates rooftop solar plan review and produces code compliant approvals instantly. The platform is free to adopt and has been proven to be a driver of economic development for local governments. Data shows that economic growth compounds once permitting moves to an all-online system and grows even more so once the process incorporates instant permit approval.

For Jurisdictions

If you are interested in learning more about how SolarAPP+ can benefit your jurisdiction, you can sign up to attend one of our virtual standing demonstrations of the tool. These demos are held on alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can sign up to attend a demo here. We also have a recorded version of a past demonstration, which can be found here.

For Installers

SolarAPP+ is currently being utilized by communities in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, and Washington. You can find the full list of jurisdictions where SolarAPP+ is available here. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of SolarAPP+, you can register for one of our installer trainings here.

One-Page Print Out on SolarAPP+ Benefits

Benefits Memo

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