Who manages SolarAPP+?

The SolarAPP+ project was created with grant funding from the Department of Energy (DOE) and is managed collaboratively by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and UL with oversight provided by the SolarAPP+ Foundation. 

NREL and UL co-manage the software development, outreach, education, and local jurisdiction onboarding for SolarAPP+. 

The SolarAPP+ Foundation was formed to ensure that all of the key stakeholders in solar permitting are included in making SolarAPP+ a success. The Foundation's board, which is composed of equal representation from the solar industry and building code enforcement community, provides oversight of the development and management of SolarAPP+. 

SolarAPP+ is also supported by in-kind contributions from many non-profit, government, and industry partners. A full list of the current SolarAPP+ partners can be found on the SolarAPP+ website.

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