Can SolarAPP+ sync with open APIs and function alongside city/county mobile apps?

SolarAPP+ is developing APIs with government software platforms to allow for seamless communication between systems. SolarAPP+ is also generating its own API that could communicate with home-grown systems.

The API still relies on a key piece of functionality at the Jurisdictional level. The creation of a Permit Type, Permit Record Type or Permit Workflow (depending on the terminology used by your permitting software provider). Before any applications can be processed, the jurisdiction must create a new permit type for SolarAPP+ projects in the permitting software. The new permit type must allow for an instant workflow, in which the contractor receives the permit immediately after payment. 

The best way to imagine it is how most jurisdictions treat a permit for a hot water heater. You need to submit information to the jurisdiction, but generally those plans aren't reviewed and are simply expedited straight to permit issuance after payment is confirmed.

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