Inspection / Plan Review / Approval
- How does SolarAPP+ work with existing local governments' permitting software?
- What happens when contractors revise an application after submitting?
- What is a SolarAPP+ ID and why do we need it?
- Is SolarAPP+ customizable?
- How is existing roof framing information verified for code compliance?
- How does SolarAPP+ handle the load calculation when the main breaker is reduced?
- How does SolarAPP+ identify local fire conditions qualified for Class A, B, C assemblies to comply with IRC R324.4.2?
- Where are permit records stored?
- Can I review SolarAPP+ applications before the permit is issued?
- Does SolarAPP+ incorporate cut/spec sheets for equipment listed on the permit?
- How does SolarAPP+ impact my inspection process?
- How do inspectors access the inspection checklist?
- How does SolarAPP+ comply with Title 24?
- What plans can an inspector access in SolarAPP+?
- Does SolarAPP+ replace my existing permitting process?
- How do inspections work if no plan set is submitted?
- How is the location of the solar system identified to confirm adherence to the eligibility requirements?
- How are expired permits or permit extensions administered?
- How does SolarAPP+ verify working clearances at permit issuance?
- How does SolarAPP+ verify the location of service disconnects at permit issuance?