Code / Regulatory
- Does SolarAPP+ replace my existing permitting process?
- Is SolarAPP+ customizable?
- How does SolarAPP+ comply with Title 24?
- What is the AHJ's liability should something go wrong with an installation automatically permitted through SolarAPP+?
- Is SolarAPP+ compliant with California codes?
- How are contractor licenses validated?
- How does SolarAPP+ handle the fire classification for racking systems?
- Does SolarAPP+ incorporate cut/spec sheets for equipment listed on the permit?
- How does SolarAPP+ handle the load calculation when the main breaker is reduced?
- Can the homeowner use SolarAPP+ to obtain a permit for their own house?
- How is existing roof framing information verified for code compliance?
- How does SolarAPP+ identify local fire conditions qualified for Class A, B, C assemblies to comply with IRC R324.4.2?
- What are the requirement differences between SolarAPP+ and the California Solar Guidebook adopted in previous years?
- How does SolarAPP+ validate UL 1703 compliance for assemblies with compatible mounts/racks and panels?
- Does SolarAPP+ identify Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) requirements for fire hazard mitigation?
- How does SolarAPP+ incorporate Arc-fault requirements for conductors rerouted per 210.12.(d)?
- How does SolarAPP+ respond to public records requests and administer audits?
- How does SolarAPP+ integrate with the business process for municipal utilities?
- How does SolarAPP+ ensure compliance with fire codes, including setback and access requirements?
- How does SolarAPP+ help satisfy public records retention requirements?