Software Releases

SolarAPP+ is a web-based PV-permitting tool for residential systems provided at no-cost to AHJs. NREL will release updates as code revisions and new technology support emerge.

Changes made in each software update are listed below. 

5.3.0 Released on July 16, 2024


  • Allow permit extension period for jurisdictions to be Zero
  • Additional information provided in API project input results
  • Added filter for Admin to easily see valid installers for a jurisdiction
  • Enabled Admin to add or delete project credits if required
  • Improved the Recaptcha security capabilities on pages requiring authorization
  • Block payment with international credit cards and make sure unsupported cards present an appropriate error message
  • Updated fees to be more easily defined and more clearly display the charges
  • Revised the compatibility tie-in table and associated diagrams
  • Updated CEC reference tables to the current released version


  • Corrected missing displays in unconventional scenarios
  • Corrected issue where the previous values of fields were not reset properly when updated
  • Cleaned up API interface to correctly show device errors
  • Updated software to display the proper error message when a compatible tie-in is not found
  • Fixed the display of Table 1 on the long form
  • Corrected the display of local variables for a jurisdiction
  • Updated equipment make and model search to avoid time out before option selection
  • Corrected issue with saving jurisdiction contact email when an alternate email is not desired
  • Corrected issue with addresses containing unit numbers not being saved properly
  • Insured the correct contractor displays on the inspection job card
  • Fixed display of the jurisdiction (AHJ) settings page for installers

5.2.0 Released on June 4, 2024


  • Changed the permit policies to allow jurisdictions to exclude permit extensions
  • Provided capability to add project credits as necessary
  • Updated system to not allow international credit cards


  • Cleaned up error message when deleting payment methods
  • Updated project exports to complete without stalling for exports of up to one year of data
  • Updated API responses to correctly flag errors for invalid device names
  • Updated the R736 server error message to correctly display as an invalid tie-in
  • Fixed the display of jurisdiction settings in the Show vs Edit option

5.1.0 Released on May 22, 2024


  • Created new API endpoint to retrieve basic user information
  • Added clarification to the jurisdiction onboarding to drive more consistent naming
  • Allowed jurisdictions to view the details of expired projects
  • Added display of jurisdiction IDs to help with API endpoints
  • Improved table display generation to better accommodate potential requirements changes
  • Added Captcha to critical pages requesting user information to increase security
  • Provided the capability for API users to generate their own API credentials


  • Corrected project search function to correctly search for hash tag characters
  • Updated the approval document QR code to provide all project details for authorized inspectors
  • Updated the API to correctly retrieve project costs
  • Provided warnings to prevent enabling installers who may not have the proper licenses
  • Improved address determination to more accurately match addresses to jurisdictions

5.0.0 Released on May 7, 2024


  • Added functionality to better adapt SolarApp processing to specification changes as they may arise
  • Updated API testing and documentation to make the process more robust
  • Added API endpoints to retrieve information on individual projects and jurisdictions
  • Updated emails to jurisdictions to include project details in the subject line


  • Cleaned up displays for DC coupled batteries to not display ESS specific fields
  • Corrected errors related to BID calculations when no BID option is selected
  • Cleaned up the API so the approval documents for approved projects can be retrieved and are identified with appropriate filenames including upload documents and inspection job card
  • Fixed the Installer API to allow saving of optional fields
  • Corrected summary fees to display as currency with only 2 decimal places
  • Added updates to speed up and improve project list pages

4.6.0 Released on April 25, 2024


  • Improve API endpoints to better resolve addresses and provide additional information
  • Added API endpoints to provide payment information and process payments
  • Cleaned up display of revision payments on the job card
  • Updated roof framing references to better handle inches and feet


  • Updated the settings to remember valuation choice from onboarding
  • Updated menus to work on mobile devices
  • Corrected handling of upload files to only accept the most current upload
  • Cleaned up display and processing of extraneous fault current fields not applicable in projects
  • Added details to subject lines of emails to jurisdictions to aid in final approval of projects
  • Optimized data queries to speed up loading of permit and project pages
  • Cleaned up API error handling to provide better response and messaging

4.5.0 Released on March 26, 2024


  • Made handling and display of units for dropdown fields more consistent
  • Made sure a jurisdiction could update their Stripe keys if necessary
  • Corrected project expiration dates to not change upon revision
  • Updated the For Installers page of the SolarApp+ website


  • Provided more thorough credit card validation and error reporting
  • Corrected input validation to not allow required fields to be left blank
  • Cleaned up API input conditions likely to generate errors
  • Corrected issues with tables not display properly on the Long Form

4.4.0 Released on March 14, 2024


  • New subpanels for relocated loads - added new electrical diagrams and tie-ins to support new subpanels for relocated loads when generation sources are tied at the Main Service Panel.
  • Environmental design variables API - added flexibility for jurisdictions to control what snow and wind weather variables should be used for projects either depending on project specific location or local design requirements.
  • Added detailed error messages for when credit cards are declined in paying for project permits
  • Updated SolarApp+ website with new press releases, statistics, and content for jurisdictions
  • Removed unit displays in input drop-down fields
  • Added spec version to approval PDF documents


  • Added character limit check on jurisdiction note fields
  • Corrected wrap-around width of input display labels
  • Corrected installer on-boarding feature to allow jurisdiction selection
  • Corrected API bugs related to inconsistent input responses
  • Removed references to tables 3 and 5 for storage projects using DC batteries

4.3.0 Released on February 27, 2024


  • Added compatibility check and warning flag for service ratings under 100 amps
  • Updated the process of getting user tokens for API use
  • Updated the website homepage with new feature article
  • Clarified inspection checklist labels to avoid inspection failures when only one load is relocated


  • Fixed input form to remember value of all ESS responses between revisions
  • Updated long form display to reflect the correct number of current carrying conductors
  • Corrected issue where required input fields could be left blank
  • Updated issue involving the launch of pilot programs in jurisdictions
  • Corrected derate reference on busbar feeders when the feeder OCP rating equals the service rating
  • Cleaned up inspection checklist and long form display outputs to show proper values
  • Corrected code reference display errors to reflect codes applicable to the appropriate NEC code year
  • Added clarifications to the approval document labels for smaller service size
  • Clean up of API options relating to licenses and project access

4.2.0 Released on February 13, 2024


  • Added NEC 2023 support
  • Removed code compliance references from uploaded PDF document
  • Updated API to allow additional features for contractors
  • Cleaned up fee processing for fees applying to more than one project type
  • Updated the installer onboarding workflow to better manage training compliance
  • Updated AHJ view of projects to show all approved projects regardless of pending revisions
  • Updated AHJ project export feature to better handle large numbers of projects
  • Added credit card approval pop-up for cards needing additional verification


  • Cleaned up input references and output displays related to separating the IRC and NEC code years
  • Corrected jurisdiction filters so a filter by state now works
  • Corrected error in pilot confirmation processing
  • Fixed preview of Fire Bulletin Appendix so it will properly display on the Fire input page
  • Updated payment processing to avoid incomplete verification of payments

4.1.0 Released on January 23, 2024


  • Added API capability to process project payments
  • Expanded system capabilities to accommodate additional NEC and IRC code years
  • Added restrictions so a main panel upgrade is only allowed for an existing busbar
  • Added the trademark designation to SolarApp+ when referenced in the application and generated documents
  • Added check to not allow SolarApp to be used on new construction
  • Updated check of DC/AC ratio flag to not apply if ESS and PV Inverter are certified as a single product


  • Updated blocked address processing so invalid addresses are more gracefully handled
  • Corrected issue where the equipment grounding conductor wire gauge table was not displaying
  • Refined compatibility check on DC-DC converters to allow current difference of up to 0.5
  • Cleaned up API issues to provide better error reporting and recovery
  • Changed expiration logic for installer licenses to be valid through the end of the day on the expiration date (GMT)
  • Added safeguards to make sure uploaded PDF documents are in a valid format to allow inclusion in generated approval documents
  • Cleaned up various typos affecting displays and documents
  • Optimized the loading of the installer project page
  • Corrected jurisdiction search criteria to work with with the My Jurisdictions option
  • Corrected search options in the admin payments page
  • Corrected issue preventing job card from generating if fees were changed

4.0.0 Released on January 4, 2024


  • Updated the way the system manages NEC and IRC code years to allow future revisions
  • Added ability for Admin to send a password reset request to a user
  • Added option for AHJ to better accommodate UL 9540A Spacing Exceptions


  • Updated fee processing and display of fees on jobs card to provide a clearer tracking of charges and payments
  • Clarified error messages concerning jurisdiction settings to provide more information for resolution to the users
  • Corrected issue where incorrect jurisdiction was being selected for a project

3.15.0 Released on November 30, 2023


  • Added Beta API capability to upload documents for use by Installer API
  • Added functionality to Admin to better manage and maintain jurisdiction data
  • Added a Fire Department review section for jurisdictions
  • Updated numbers and jurisdictions in the Solar Adoption at a Glance table
  • Added a save credit card checkbox to payment pages


  • Improved Admin capabilities to better manage system data
  • Improved visibility for jurisdictions to see that Stripe keys have been saved
  • Bug fixes to the Beta versions of the Installer and AHJ APIs
  • Corrected the display conditions in the Inspection Checklist for a single service disconnect in a dedicated enclosure
  • Corrected issue of some fee calculations causing inaccurate results in the decimal places

3.13.0 Released on October 25, 2023


  • Various improvements on the Installer APIs: project metadata, project inputs, project upload.
  • Swagger documentation for all new updated Installer APIs.
  • Added support for grid tied energy storage systems installed without a backup initiation device
  • AHJ onboarding form update.
  • Improvement on page loading


  • Fixed a very rare use case where fees may double.
  • Various minor API issues

3.12.0 Released on September 26, 2023


  • New features added to the Beta versions of the Installer and AHJ APIs
  • Enhanced the display of fault current information on the inspection checklist and long form
  • Added an option for an AHJ to require an utility interconnection agreement to be uploaded
  • Clarified various tool tips and display labels
  • Added logic to automatically detect valid installer licenses so so input is not required for each project
  • Added logic to check for and accommodate approved ESS units combined in parallel
  • Updated tie-in and processing logic for main lug only panels
  • Updated Solar Trace information on the main SolarApp website


  • Fixed logic preventing AHJ from editing permit polity settings
  • Updated logic to check high and low temperatures entered by an AHJ fall within valid ranges
  • Added logic to prevent the upload of documents with an invalid PDF format
  • Updated roof compatibility logic to comply with defined roof pitch regimes
  • Added controls so an installer can only select an uploaded document they own

3.11.0 Released on August 31, 2023


  • AHJ API beta released
  • Installer API beta released
  • Enhanced supported tie-ins
  • Update fee processing to allow individual fees to apply to more than one project type
  • Added capability to base fees on system horsepower
  • Clarified module fire rating information and added verification item to the inspection checklist as well as updating the inspection checklist to reference the Fire Bulletin and AHJ specific requirements
  • Clarified fault current processing when a main panel upgrade is being performed


  • Updated address lookup processing to better differentiate specific addresses being blocked for historical and cultural reasons
  • Updated tie-in lookup to correctly match tie-ins with associated diagrams
  • Clarified several entries on the inspection checklist and long form displays
  • Updated conditions to not allow subpanel feeders at existing subpanels or backup load centers
  • Updated continuous output current calculations to correctly account for integrated inverter/ESS units

3.10.1 Released on August 8, 2023


  • Added clarification to the inspection checklist concerning authority for fire pathways, venting, and access


  • Corrected issue where valid addresses were not being accepted

3.10.0 Released on July 27, 2023


  • Added ability to block specific addresses for an AHJ to accommodate special district restrictions
  • Added completed project system and storage totals to the AHJ dashboard
  • Enhanced microinverter processing to allow multiple modules per microinverter
  • Allow for 2 two-tier series rated OCPDs to be used in series for fault current compliance


  • Clarified various tool-tip, long form, inspection checklist, and error message displays
  • Corrected combiner panel processing to accept entry in any order for tie-in checks
  • Corrected categorization of the Main Lug Only and Solo Main Breaker main service panel type for tie-in checking

3.9.0 Released on July 13, 2023


  • Updated the non-ferrous conduit AFC table with more accurate limits
  • Clarified various tool-tip, long form, inspection checklist, and error message displays
  • Added diagram option for the inspection checklist


  • Updated tie-in processing to allow BIPV and BIPV+ST projects to complete
  • Clarified fee charging and display to avoid confusion and potential double charging
  • Cleaned up extraneous and erroneous displays on the input form
  • Cleaned up display and export of project information
  • Corrected calculation and display of maximum AC operating current on the inspection checklist
  • Optimized loading of the installer upload page to avoid timing out

3.8.0 Released on June 22, 2023


  • Reorganized busbar input prompts so all information for the same busbar is requested in sequence
  • Updated wire gauge reference and display for both serial and parallel strings
  • New logic added to incorporate subpanel feeders with busbars
  • Enhanced tie-in processing to include more combinations
  • Added updates to support PCS at subpanel feeders
  • Cleaned up order of all input and approval document displays to follow a logical sequence
  • Cleaned up labels for service equipment
  • Code references clarified on display of Table 23 in the long form
  • Additional ESS regulations added to the 2020 PV+ST fire bulletin
  • Logic added to check backup load against backup load capacity
  • Added Input Flag 44 to warn of potential load calculation discrepancies
  • Added Input Flag 43 to warn if there is a significant difference between a string inverter OCPD and the inverter output rating
  • Clarified inspection checklist label for ESS spacing
  • Clarified labels for assembly of matched DC Coupled Battery components


  • Updated logic to properly show required input fields, such as project valuation, based on AHJ settings
  • Corrected situation where there was a potential to charge the same fee twice
  • Corrected fee processing to allow proper calculation of fee caps based intermediate subtotals

3.7.0 Released on May 18, 2023


  • Added transaction fee to SolarApp payment
  • Cleaned up long form to remove or correct confusing displays
  • Cleaned up inspection checklist display for split DC strings


  • Updated Installer Project page to correctly filter the project list by AHJ, State, and installer
  • Updated installer license processing to only allow current validated licenses
  • Expanded the allowable range of the DC short circuit current (Isc) of the PV Inverter, allow fractional values to be entered, and validate the input does not exceed the maximum input current for the Inverter

3.6.1 Released on April 27, 2023


  • Corrected issue of projects with DC Coupled Batteries not completing properly

3.6.0 Released on April 24, 2023


  • Clarified labels and descriptions for interconnection compliance and other situations
  • Require installers to upload training certificate prior to completion of on-boarding process
  • Added capability to specify inverter power limits using a power control system
  • Added database lookup and expanded capabilities to handle Backup Initiation Devices


  • Updated fees to correctly process calculations based on multi-field input variables
  • Corrected situation where license uploads did not work
  • Updated processing of DC Coupled Batteries to reference the correct battery count

3.5.0 Released on April 6, 2023


  • Added roof pitch to the inspection checklist
  • Added checks for the minimum separation of energy storage units
  • Added a flag to check for large jumps in OCPD override for ESS output
  • Added a check for the compatibility of ESS systems of matched components per UL 9540
  • Added support for DC Coupled Battery installations without a Backup Initiation Device
  • Added attestations for permitted structures and MPU surge protection
  • Added verification of conductor sizes for Supply Side Connections
  • Updated combiner panel flag solution to make it more helpful
  • Provided capability for AHJs to specify valuation needed for fees


  • Display visibility of bifaciality factor used in calculations in the longform
  • Patched bug in fire bulletins to reflect the correct code cycle
  • Cleaned up fee processing to complete quicker and correctly process subpanel fees
  • Added PCS as an option for subpanel feeders in allowed Tie-in configurations

3.4.0 Released on March 27, 2023


  • Add Power Control Systems as a compliance option for subpanel feeders
  • Added attestation that closed DC-DC Converter and PV Inverter models work in combination
  • Added support for bifacial PV modules
  • Added clarification in eligibility checklist for sizing of branch circuit overcurrent protection device for micro inverters or AC modules
  • Added ability to report a split service for service feeders
  • Clarified labels concerning gaps between the module and the roof
  • Updated inspection checklist and long form labels for clarity
  • Cleaned up contact references in website footers


  • Cleaned up extraneous display issues in Approval Documents and Job Card
  • Clarified error messaging for busbar feeder
  • Deleted misleading vehicle damage display value for inspection checklist
  • Corrected situation occurring with overlapping jurisdiction addresses
  • Corrected code references for Rapid Shutdown Compliance
  • Added compatibility check for combiner panel OCPD

3.3.0 Released on March 2, 2023


  • Added validation of main service panel point of interconnection in systems where point of interconnection is downstream of the main panel
  • Added additional inverter types to lookup tables
  • Clarified messaging to installers when license for an AHJ is expired or missing
  • Simplified power control system data entry and display on approval documents
  • Added validation and flags to comply with UL requirements for PV systems
  • Updated the adoption statistics on the SolarApp website
  • Rounded AC operating current displays to nearest integer for inspection checklist clarification


  • Updated fire bulletin to reference the correct codes in each spec year and display correctly on the preview page
  • Added precautions to ensure AHJ specific settings were being saved and referenced properly for each code year
  • Deleted misleading vehicle damage display value for inspection checklist
  • Corrected busbar OCPD display conditions to only show when applicable
  • Added precaution to not crash the flag system if a divide by zero error occurs
  • Corrected calculation of continuous inverter output on generation panels
  • Corrected fault current calculations for wire length requirements
  • Added check of busbar ratings against continuous output current for combiner panels

3.2.0 Released on February 9, 2023


  • Updated wire lengths for fault current compliance
  • Added tool tip to clarify types of busbars to be included on permits
  • Updated and re-enabled flags to check potential data input issues


  • Corrected display of aluminum wire gauges
  • Corrected project export issues to make the processing and completion more reliable
  • Cleaned up permit policy information for onboarding a new AHJ
  • Corrected issue where AHJ license requirements were being inadvertently changed
  • Added compatibility check for rapid shutdown compliance

3.1.0 Released on January 23, 2023


  • Add capability to allow AHJs to charge a revision fee if desired
  • Website updated with a new demonstration video and new partner logos
  • Added option to provide Main Lug Only busbar processing for select AHJs
  • Updated Table 1 to include 8AWG criteria and adjusted the processing to reference appropriately


  • Corrected order of input sections to be consistent across spec years
  • Updated OCPD validation check of busbar ratings
  • Added OCPD sizes to wire gauge display for branch circuits in Inspection Checklist
  • Corrected the PCS processing for AHJs using the 2017/2018 spec
  • Cleaned up fee processing relating to fields being replicated for multiple components

3.0.2 Released on December 29, 2022


  • NEC 2020 and IRC 2021 are now the applicable model codes in California. Major remarks:
    • All new projects and revisions for existing projects will now be subject to the new codes.
    • Per NEC 705.13, Power control systems are now a code compliance method available for busbars.
    • Per NEC 230.71, Main Lug Only panels are not supported, updates pending. 
    • Per IRC 328, various updates to Energy Storage System allowable location and aggregate capacities (which were already enforced in SolarAPP per the July 1st 2021 Title 24 amendments).
    • All code references will be updated. 
  • Electrical permit form updates related to busbars.
  • Flags have temporarily been turned off.

2.13.1 Released on December 6, 2022


  • Improved delay times for database upload
  • Improved security of email addresses being used in SolarApp


  • Added/verified units for inspection checklist values
  • Verified ability to change project type on an existing project if AHJ has more than one project type available

2.12.1 Released on October 18, 2022


  • Resolved a time-out issue preventing some projects with compatibility issues from receiving an error message
  • Fixed issue in the fault current module that was preventing the inspection checklist generation
  • Removed misleading responses from approval documents relating to disabled options
  • Correct approval documents to include fire setback images in fire bulletin for PV and PV+ST projects
  • Properly handle decimal entries in optional roof framing processing

2.12.0 Released on October 10, 2022


  • Removed City Business license requirements from AHJ onboarding form
  • Added separate minimum wire size factors for single string versus parallel strings of DC PV circuits
  • Added detailed fee information and clarified existing information on job card
  • Added optional ability for AHJ to require detailed roof framing support information
  • Updated implementation numbers on the SolarApp website


  • Corrected values displaying N/A with actual value
  • Compensated for manufacturer names containing commas

2.11.0 Released on September 26, 2022


  • Clarified several input prompts and on-screen tool tips.
  • Clarified wording in several Inspection Checklist entries.
  • Streamlined project completion process to allow project details to display while PDF documents are being generated in the background.


  • Corrected conditions for display and clarified wording of contractor flags.
  • Updated calculation to correctly taking into account the energy storage capacity of a second PV inverter with an integrated battery.
  • Corrected zip code processing in project initialization to accept leading zeros used in the Northeast U.S.
  • Updated AHJ defaults to only pre-select the most common project types.
  • Corrected issue preventing proper comparison of inverter and ESS manufacturer names.

2.10.0 Released on September 8, 2022


  • Contractor Input Flags to warn about anomalous inputs
    • ESS on PV only project
    • Inverter architecture
    • Anomalous method of RSD compliance
    • Anomalous standoff spacing
    • MPU on ineligible AHJ
    • Roof coverage
    • Corrected anomalous DC/AC ratios
  • Ability for admin to track flag compliance
  • Clarification of wire gauge requirements for branch circuits
  • Clarification updates in eligibility checklist
  • Clarification of branch circuit OCPD rating

2.9.0 Released on August 25, 2022


  • Updated AHJ onboarding so AHJ can upload their fee schedule
  • Added option to include an appendix to the fire bulletin for an individual AHJ
  • Allowed AHJ to specify multiple email addresses for notifications


  • Fault current display corrected
  • Expanded range of allowable number of THWN-2 conductors in a relocated branch

2.8.0 Released on July 28, 2022


  •     Added new rows to Table 28 expansion
  •     Switched the back end to a new database cluster
  •     Updated prescriptive load calculations for single two pole breaker or multiple one pole breakers
  •     Enhanced SolarApp to support adoption by other AHJ's
  •     Added user confirmation check before editing an approved project
  •     Provided indication in project list if flags are present on project revisions
  •     Added ability to view job card of every revision of a project
  •     Updated eligibility checklist for all types of projects


  •     Corrected ability to view archived projects
  •     Cleaned up project filter options for installer users
  •     Made sure project revisions reflect the correct dates

2.7.0 Released on July 14, 2022


  • Added energy Storage System attestations regarding adequate capacity
  • Load side tap clarifications, tooltip and language updated for inputs regarding connections directly to a conductor, or using lug terminations in equipment such as an MID in PV+Storage project.
  • Database clean up
  • Added features to support new AHJs adoption
  • Contractor Input Flags to warn about anomalous inputs
    • OCPD rating discrepancies
    • Anomalous DC/AC ratios
    • Anomalous system weight
    • Missing combiner panels on Enphase systems
  • SolarAPP+ Adoption at a Glance Updates
  • Removed unnecessary feature that allowed to mark projects as "Finalized"

2.6.1 Released on July 5, 2022


  • Updates to Solar TRACE
  • On the AHJ dashboard, only show projects that have an approved revision for the AHJ.


  • Inspection checklist glitch for building integrated photovoltaics pilot
  • Download uploaded documents button on AHJ project information page is now fetching the correct documents

2.6.0 Released on June 30, 2022


  • Fire Classification Database: SolarAPP will now verify that the system will be installed in compliance with the fire classification requirements of the racking system.


  • Fixed front-end validation of phone format in installer onboarding.

2.5.0 Released on June 20, 2022


  • Code compliance data structure cleaned up
  • Address validations improved 
  • Clarified language on onboarding forms
  • Improved error reporting on invalid Stripe accounts
  • Improved CEC data uploads


  • PCS inspection checklist item fixed
  • Inverter 2 Model Number value fixed
  • Updated CEC battery specifications
  • I298 and I299 visibility fixed

2.4.2 Released on June 7, 2022


  • Permit Fee for stand alone revisions has been fixed

2.4.1 Released on June 2, 2022


  • Website Refresh: cleaned up items and added a bunch of press
  • Onboarding Form: reworded items and adjusted their order on the Jurisdictions Policies tab to make it a bit clearer to understand
  • Admin file download for licenses restored


  • The Permit and Inspection Job Card Name for Contractor, now captures the Contractor's name rather than the Contractor's title.
  • Address validation for AHJs is no longer including uuid's that should be excluded, even if they are not currently serviced by SolarAPP
  • I302, I125, I282 visibility conditions adjusted

2.4.0 Released on May 19, 2022


  • Enabling additional Admin roles to support ramping for jurisdictional onboarding
  • A permanent link to this "Release Notes" page has been added to the contractor Projects Page for ease of access
  • Enabling PCS as a feature for jurisdictions to turn on


  • Export of Revision Approval Documents now include updated inputs
  • Error message R674 for sub panel inserts now populates where the error was empty previously
  • Restored Installer jurisdictional search feature

2.3.0 Released on May 5, 2022


  • Made security improvement updates.
  • Enabled Subpanel Inserts for PV Only in all jurisdictions
  • Added appropriate specificity around Type distributed generation (DG) cable for conductors installed without a raceway as it pertains to NEC 2017/2020
  • Added confirmation that the eligible equipment for compliance with ESS fire hazard detection requirements has been confirmed with the jurisdiction.
  • Updated code references for IRC's R328.4(3) and R328.4(4) appropriately.
  • Reconciled backend CEC data synchronization after CEC updated their formatting
  • Incorporated additional validation to ensure DCDC converter products are chosen only for DCDC converter architectures
  • Improved readability for long individual entries on all pdfs.
  • Enabled fee absorption option for jurisdiction should the jurisdiction choose to absorb the processing fee
  • Added Unit Testing for onboarding new jurisdictions
  • Improved accuracy around the calculations to determine Combined ESS energy capacity
  • Adjusted the order of a few long form items to be more readable and logical, particularly around confirming you have reviewed SolarAPP eligibility.
  • Added 3 new tooltips to help the user understand the questions


  • Address validation/assignment issue in Pima/Tucson resolved.

2.2.0 Released on April 21, 2022

  • Made security improvement updates.
  • Updated fire bulletin for energy storage projects to include ventilation requirements for ESS products that offgas.
  • Changed electrical code year verbiage, and wire types, added notes for ESS weight, seismic zones and wiring configurations in the eligibility checklist.
  • Tooltips, & some note formatting
  • New verifications for PV inverter input Voc and Isc

2.1.0 Released on April 4, 2022

  • Modules and racking are now being checked for UL2703 compatibility
  • Multiple tool tips added and updated to assist users through project submittal.
  • Clicking next through page navigation now saves the data from that page only, instead of resaving all inputs from previous pages.
  • Corrected a bug where “Racking Systems” was labeled “Rapid Shutdown”.
  • Updated the final button in the workers comp overview to clarify the process of previewing the user’s inputs before the payment and submittal process to the AHJ.
  • Added references to Table 240.6(A) from the NEC.
  • Added previews of the Fire bulletin and eligibility checklist directly into the project submittal page.

2.0.0 Released on March14, 2022

  • Site messages displaying based on relevancy to signed in or non signed in users.
  • Displaying inputs for fire sprinklers and roof area for BIPV and BIPV + Storage projects
  • Editorial updates to “Racking” section inputs
  • Create UL2703 grounding and bonding database
  • Fixed referrer tagging in links that take users out of SolarAPP+ (YouTube, Help Scout)
  • Updated NGINX
  • Improved the framework for stress testing the system
  • Fixed a glitch removing a small risk of AHJ settings being deleted.
  • Added documentation to Github on development spec interpretation.
  • Added inputs and logic to enable ESS projects to be compliant with 2021 IRC and July 1st amendments to California Fire Code
  • Update to CEC documentation and compliance checks for ESS projects
  • Improved reliability of test servers when projects are queued
  • Corrected display of fire requirements for BIPV depending on code years
  • Accela API integrations for approval ID and inspection card
  • PHP version updated to v7.4
  • Improvements to submission process and server calculation logic to reduce the risk of DOS on the server

1.9.0 Released on February 15, 2022


  • Added seismic design category question to jurisdiction onboarding forms
  • Changed language on application question on system height from the rooftop: "What is the maximum distance from the module backsheet to the rooftop?" 
  • New eligibility checklist item added: projects must be installed on permitted structures.
  • Added public website links to download the SolarAPP+ Fire Bulletin
  • Incorporate page breaks in Fire Bulletin to improve legibility
  • Upgraded to Laravel version 6
  • For AHJs using the standalone method, enabled the option for AHJs to choose to absorb Stripe processing fees in the onboarding forms
  • Added Fee Field List as a reporting option for administrators to better manage AHJ fee structure
  • Server maintenance times now displayed on banner located on SolarAPP+ home page
  • Under the application section "New Panelboard for Relocated Loads," removed exception for wire sizing derates
  • Updated various code references, including revised code citations for roof mounting planes, roof covering material, roof fire classification, roof pitch, and ground snow load.
  • Corrected and updated labels on load calculations for the main service panel and new subpanels
  • Revised language on inspection checklist items related to array conductors and rapid shutdown devices 
  • Enhanced Main Panel Upgrade Fees for Stand Alone AHJs
  • Added ToolTips to provide additional guidance on questions related to utility service feed rating
  • Added link to CEC Solar Equipment list in ToolTip for energy storage equipment
  • Added inspection checklist item: "Disconnecting means for supply side equipment is marked as 'suitable for use as service equipment'"
  • Updated logic for calculations related to PV combiner panel, wire count
  • Added inspection checklist item for DC-DC converters
  • Updated logic surrounding point of interconnection inspection items
  • Input data files created for testing FC RIDs, PV+ST and BIPV+ST with ACM inverter, Microinverters, and/or DC-DC inverters.


  • Adjusted windspeed input by replacing non-standard AHJ override with a string interpolation and a standard AHJ override
  • Installers now required to enter phone number in registration forms
  • Added test to accurately show that the installer has been fully onboarded
  • Various system fixes to accommodate building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV)
  • Language edits to ToolTips

1.8.0 Released on January 26, 2022


  • Built in support for NEC 2020 and IRC 2021 code cycles.
  • Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) logic improved, and the inspection checklist question, "Where relocated loads are extended greater than 6 feet, then AFCI breakers are installed according to Article 210," will now always show when installing a new subpanel.
  • On jurisdictions that enforce the 2020 NEC, Power Conditioning System (PCS) tie-ins are now available at the Main Service Panel, Existing Subpanels or New Subpanels.
  • Modifications were implementation to the interconnection section in the inspection checklist and long form for greater flexibility in checking compliance with all eligible Code Cycles (2017/2018 and 2020/2021). In addition, Power Conditioning System (PCS) was added as a new method of interconnection.
  • Modified "Interconnection at Main Service Panel" of the inspection checklist. The Center-Fed 120% rule and End-Fed 120% rule options were merged into one rule to avoid discrepancies with the approval documents and the installation.
  • Code references were improved to enable the software to accurately reference 2017/2018 vs 2020/2021 code cycle references, depending on the jurisdiction's eligibility settings.
  • File upload locations were modified by tagging uploaded documents with unique identifiers in the SolarAPP+ database, improving system robustness.
  • Added functionality for displaying contractor helper text (tool tips) adjacent to more complicated input questions was implemented in the application forms.
  • All code references were removed from input dropdowns. References can now be found in the helper texts (tool tips).
  • Various compliance checks for NEC 2020 requirements for solar-plus-storage projects were built into the system.
  • The NEC and IRC/IBC code cycle will now be included in the long form under the section "General" - "Project Information".
  • Specific minimum service size checks will now be performed for Main Lug Only Panels, only allowable under NEC 2017.
  • The Fire Bulletin is now a PDF that is instantly generated for each project based on the jurisdiction's account settings.
  • The homeowner name is now required as an input on the first page of the application form.
  • Support for multiple code cycles now enabled for all jurisdictions, e.g., to allow for selection of NEC 2017 or NEC 2020.
  • Various language improvements to application forms and approval documents, addressing feedback from regulatory officials.
  • Installer upload documents can now be downloaded individually by system admin to improve customer support.
  • Published SolarAPP+ Adoption at a Glance page.
  • Published updates to SolarAPP+ Press Page.
  • All links in the application form will now open a separate tab in the browser.
  • Provisions from the California Title 24 amendments adopted July 1, 2021, were moved from the Fire Bulletin into the project application forms.


  • Fixed multiple misspellings
  • "A Main Panel Upgrade is being performed" long form output will no longer display "N/A", only "Yes" or "No" when applicable
  • Inspection checklist issue fixed by removing unnecessary display of the following question: "Maximum number of THWN-2 conductors in the raceway with the wire being used to reduce the AFC to less than 10kA, excluding any equipment grounding conductors."
  • Inspection checklist item moved from the "Installation Details" to "General Guidelines": "Conduit sizing to be confirmed at time of inspection. Contractor to provide conduit fill calculations where requested by inspector" 
  • Demo environment fix: Bug with duplicate approval documents and approval IDs resolved.
  • Moved the question "Are the ESS model 1 and PV Inverter certified as a single unit with no field wiring between the battery components and the inverter components? (Note: Only up to two PV string inverters are supported)" after "Upload datasheet for ESS model 1" to improve permit application flow.
1.7.0 Released on December 13, 2021


  • Added General Guidelines section at the top of the inspection checklist to clarify that equipment must follow instructions in manufacturers' documentation, wire size values are a minimum and may be upsized, and installed OCPD ratings must exactly match those on the inspection checklist.
  • The calculated sum of 125% of the continuous output current from the generation sources will now be rounded to the nearest integer, allowing the platform to accommodate provisions of the NEC that allow for rounding of half amperes in calculations.
  • Selection of NM Wire is now restricted to AC Modules and Microinverters.
  • Added structural checks for energy storage system (ESS) mounting equipment to align with ASCE-7-16 13.1.4.
  • Projects may now utilize multiple DC coupled battery models, expanding SolarAPP+'s eligibility and allowing for greater flexibility.
  • Expansion of allowable backup initiation Devices by enabling support for internal, external, and meter-mounted microgrid interconnect devices (MID) and automatic transfer switch (ATS) technologies.
  • Added support for multiple ESS Models on a single permit application.
  • Added support for supply side connections using a main lug-only panel.
  • Inspection checklist and long form language improved for readability and polish.
  • Local Settings and Integration Method jurisdiction onboarding forms improved to allow for easier configuration and set up.
  • Existing and New Subpanel projects updated to allow for the use of an existing subpanel tie-in along with a new subpanel in projects. For example, contractors can now use a main panel insert.
  • Created new optional input of project valuation to meet local jurisdictions' requirements.
  • Added microinverter rating as an eligibility requirement in the eligibility checklist: "Whenever used, microinverters or AC Modules must be rated for a 20A branch circuit overcurrent device," and removed the attestation from the application forms.
  • Clarification on combiner panel OCPD question in the application form: "What will be the Overcurrent Protection Device rating of the PV inverter only combiner panel output?" Moved the question to the "Equipment - Inverter" input section.


  • Installer Dashboard function to filter by jurisdictions improved
  • Added a "cancel" button to the Edit Fees page for jurisdictions
  • Removed logic that would cause the "sum of breaker" rule to return a compatibility error on certain edge cases
  • Installers directed toward links to the input training instead of licensing menu if onboarding is incomplete
  • Fixed compatibility check bug with code compliance checkbox attestation in "Installation Applicability and Compliance" section
1.6.0 Released on October 28, 2021


  • Modules/DC-Series String: adjusted acceptable range for maximum quantity of modules in a DC series string. Modified compatibility conditions for longest DC string: 30 for DC-DC converters and 17 for MCIs.

Jurisdiction Dashboard

  • Added function on jurisdiction project dashboard to export a CSV file of all submitted projects 
  • Project dashboard can now be filtered by installer and project type
  • Consolidated local settings, integration method, and address validation into single Configuration page
  • Reorganized dropdown menus to improve navigation
  • Standardized template on dashboard pages
  • Added display that summarizes the following data: breakdown of project types, number of installers, number of approved projects, and number of revisions

Installer Dashboard

  • Added function on installer project dashboard to export a CSV file of all submitted projects
  • Project dashboard can be filtered by jurisdiction, state, project owner, and date range
  • Improved ability to edit installer profile page
  • Reorganized dropdown menus to improve navigation
  • Installers can now view jurisdictions in their defined territory, view the status of their license (e.g., expired, verified, pending verification), and add/edit licenses on the 'Jurisdictions' page in their account
  • Included option to add a new territory under the installer's active jurisdictions
  • Enabled installers to edit uploaded licenses (changes status to "pending validation")
  • Added required training (How to Use SolarAPP+ For Rooftop Solar Projects) to onboarding pages


  • Added message to indicate server timeout during UUID verification
1.5.1 Released on October 19, 2021 


  • Updated Fire Bulletin (Less Than/Greater Than)
1.5.0 Released on October 14, 2021 


  • Order of equipment inputs refined; contractors now enter (1) architecture type, (2) manufacturer, (2) model, and (4) data sheet.
  • Table calculation error messages improved for clarity
  • Product Piloting Functionality, allowing AHJs to enable/disable contractors for piloting project types (e.g., for limiting PV+ST submissions)
  • Added new functionality to change project type, e.g. from PV to PV+ST
Released on October 6, 2021


  • Approval uploads dashboard (My Uploads) enabled for contractors under the account dropdown menu.
  • New language for input questions: combined strings in parallel.
  • Optimizer and Mid Circuit Interrupter (MCI) revamp to expand equipment databases for improved code compliance verification.
    • Internal Optimizer database.
    • Internal MCI database.
  • Ancillary Equipment attestation to ensure all equipment is rated equal to or greater than the connected overcurrent device and installed per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • PV inverter and ESS voltage and short circuit current must now be displayed in labels on site, now added to the inspection checklist.
  • Equipment Rating options for Load Side Tap and Supply Side Connection expanded in equipment dropdown lists.
  • Current carrying conductor questions language improvements.
  • Improved order of inputs regarding electrical equipment.
  • Inverter architecture is now part of the inspection checklist.
  • Workers' comp upload feature enabled for AHJs that require it.
  • Enhanced platform support for inputs that can have a varying number of answers, e.g. structural mounting planes.
  • Miscellaneous language improvements.
  • New AHJ UUID validation: data to validate property addresses improved to ensure AHJs have a unique UUID.
Released on August 19, 2021


  • Current Carrying Conductors: improved language for clarity around several inputs under circuit requirements. Installers are asked to specify the number of conductors in a raceway from the array to the inverter, excluding equipment grounding conductors.
  • Microinverters Custom OCPD: Installers now have the option to enter custom overcurrent protection device ratings for combined inverter outputs.
  • Wire Sizing for Microinverters Custom OCPD: updated calculations to reflect accurate wire sizing for the combined output of custom microinverter overcurrent protection devices.
  • Improved labels for the generation panel by adding long form table references to increase flexibility for overcurrent protection devices.
  • Added links to more easily access the SolarAPP+ Help Center on the home page.
Released on August 5, 2021


  • Energy Storage Equipment  expanded to support for DC Coupled Batteries with a Hybrid Inverter. SolarAPP now includes storage systems battery equipment listed in the California Energy Commission database.
  • Load Side Taps Enabled: Added new section to electrical page, 'Point of Connection at Subpanel Feeders,' allowing contractors to select equipment and compliance methods for interconnection at subpanel feeders.
  • Energy Storage System (ESS)-only Combiner Panel: For PV + storage projects, contractors may indicate whether they are combining inverter outputs in an ESS-only combiner panel with no loads. If 'Yes,' Contractors must specify busbar size.
  • Standardized breaker and bus sizes: changed input fields to dropdown menus for various items to ease the inputting of information and reduce user error. Among other aspects, contractors may now select from a range of values for OCPD ratings and busbar ratings for new subpanels with relocated loads
  • Improved and updated error messages for clarity when contractors input ineligible specifications.
  • Generation Sources Combiner Custom OCPD: Added new section for projects with ESS inverter outputs that are combined in dedicated generation sources panel with no loads. OCPD devices must match or exceed checklist/long form minimum.
  • Minimum DC Wire Sizes: Contractors are allowed to enter wire sizes that match or exceed the minimum on the inspection checklist.
  • "Roof" section on inspection checklist changed to "Roof and PV Array"
  • Supply Side Connections: "Point of Connection at Service Feeders" section created for project questions related to supply-side connections, and "Supply Side Connection" section created in the long form.
  • Questions on minimum DC wire size for microinverters under "PV Source Circuit" section made visible only if the contractor selects "No" for the question, "Is 1 Microinverter used per module?"
  • Added "Signup for Newsletter" opt-in to profile page.


  • Corrections to system infrastructure: input order for equipment, backfeed calculations, equipment options for energy storage, etc.
  • Visibility of point of interconnection question - "Will all power production outputs have the same point of connection?" - made conditional on whether the project involves multiple inverters or AC mods inverter architecture.
  • Clarified the calculations displayed in long form items: microinverter branch continuous output current and AC module branch continuous output current
Released on July 1, 2021


  • California Interim Code Update: included relevant code updates to the Fire Bulletin so SolarAPP+ can support CA jurisdictions
Released on June 29, 2021


  • Installer onboarding revamp: added field for contractors to input licensing information, ability for contractors to add contact information, etc.
  • Enable contractors to enter custom OCPD sizes for string inverters if OCPD meets or exceeds SolarAPP+'s calculated minimum.
  • Fixed bug that undersized allowable branch circuits of microinverter/AC module by changing to calculation of backfeed calculated from continuous current instead of OCPD sum.
  • Incorporated main panel upgrades (with associated fees) and main breaker derates as eligible system add-ons.
  • Conduit fill calculation removed, allowing greater flexibility for inspectors in the field checking wire size.
  • Implemented new demo server, allowing AHJs to test pilot projects in SolarAPP+.

Released on June 8, 2021


  • Standardized overcurrent protection device and bus sizes – added dropdown menus for each field in project forms to ease equipment selection.
  • Added new fields in application form and inspection checklist for projects using Energy Storage System (ESS) only combiner panels.
  • Load side taps and supply side connections: Compliance checks and inspection checklist items for load side taps
  • Load side taps and supply side connections: included supply side connection category in project inputs and long form
  • DC coupled energy storage: included support equipment from battery list from California Energy Commission (CEC)

Released on May 25, 2021


  • Stripe payment for AHJs resolved
  • Inspection forms: overcurrent protection calculations
  • Structural: inputs for mounting planes, flush mounts, roofing material additions
  • Inspection forms: overcurrent protection calculations
  • Structural: inputs for mounting planes, flush mounts, roofing material, etc.'


  • Self-onboarding dashboard for AHJs; integration with existing permitting software
  • Updated equipment in CEC database
  • Questions expanded to include new details regarding main panel upgrade, main breakers, main service panels in project application forms, inspection checklist, approval documents

Released on May 11, 2021


  • Compliance checks for supply side connections


  • Website redesign to improve navigation and dashboard user interface
  • Added input fields for main panel upgrades into project submission forms and inspection checklist.

Released on April 28, 2021


  • Interconnection method for subpanels: Main Panel’s Compliance Tie-in Method Check override resolved
  • "0" now valid input for maximum number of DC current carrying THWN-2 conductors in raceway
  • DC Wire sizing on string inverters with DC-DC Converters using parallel strings, valid input revisions
  • Longform output (R242), the displayed sum of overprotection current now equals the displayed sum of sized backfeed breakers 
  • Value displayed for the maximum number of DC current carrying conductors in raceway for AC module architectures revised
  • Scroll when editing in input boxes resolved
  • Display error resolved: “What is the subpanel overcurrent protection (breaker) Amp rating?” 


  • New and revised questions on project forms for PV+ST project application, microinverter, OCPD combined inverter in inspection checklist
  • Expanded the roofing material list to cover all the roofing materials listed in Chapter 9 of the IRC, including elastomeric roofing.
  • Application status updates: Can 'Edit' an approved application to 'Draft' status.
  • 72" maximum spacing between standoffs to address absence of point of load limitation
  • Upsizing for breakers for inverter continuous output currents that are on the limit of current thresholds to incorporate NEC 220.5 (B)
  • Minimum working clearance requirement in the inspection checklist refers to NEC 110.26
  • Revised project inputs to allow PV wires to be sized without a raceway

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