How do I set up SolarAPP+ with Edgesoft permitting software?

How do I set up SolarAPP+ with Edgesoft permitting software?

This document describes the process to set up SolarAPP+ for cities with Edgesoft permitting software.

Cities may allow solar installers/contractors to submit projects into SolarAPP+, Once they receive approval Code, they may complete their application in Edgesoft Citizen access portal and pay the permit fee. On successful payment the installer/contractor instantly receive their permit. The process for setting up Edgesoft permitting software to process SolarAPP+ projects is outlined below:

  1. Enable solar permit for the city.

    City may request Edgesoft to enable solar permit for the which is compatible with SolarApp+. They can do it by sending an email to Once it is enabled, you may proceed to setup city specific details from admin module of Edgesoft’s permitting software.

  2. Admin Setup:

A. Permit type setup.

In this step, you need to login with admin permission, Once login to system, go to project maintenance section and setup the solar permit detail.

B. Custom fields setup.

Once you have the permit type setup, you may move to custom field setup to capture any additional information that may be missing from the list of standard fields that comes with the solar permit.

C. Permit Fee setup.

In this Step, You will setup the Fee schedule for Soral Pemit, Fee may include Permit Fee, Plan Review fee, Inspection fee, , administrative fee, Online transaction fee etc.

D. Required Document setup: SolarPpp approval and SolarApp Spec sheet is mandatory for solar permit applications which may be used during inspection process, city may setup the additional documents types from Admin module.

E. Workflow setup: The default workflow is configured in system to support best practices for Solar Permit process, but it can be updated to include/exclude the steps to suite the city requirements.

Once this setup is done, Installer/Contractors may initiate the process in SolarApp+ and pay and receive the permit from Edgesoft’s Citizen Access Portal.

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