What happens when contractors revise an application after submitting?

In cases of user error, revisions needed upon inspection, or other reasons, contractors can make changes to the project application and resubmit it in SolarAPP+. The system will instantly review the entire application for compliance after resubmittal. If the project is code-compliant with changes, SolarAPP+ will issue new Approval Documents with an updated Inspection Checklist and Approval ID# and alert the AHJ's building department and/or permitting official(s). The tool allows the contractor to make three revisions free of charge, but will require the contractor to pay the project fee per each revision submitted thereafter. Installers must be aware to notify the jurisdiction about submitted revisions, and if the AHJ has adopted an integrated SolarAPP+ model, make corresponding changes in the jurisdiction's online permitting system.

Finding Revisions in the SolarAPP+ Dashboard

Jurisdictions may review application revisions by going to the Projects page, which is accessible via the dropdown menu underneath the account name:

The Projects page, displayed below, contains a list of each solar and/or solar + storage project located in the jurisdiction processed through SolarAPP+. There is a dropdown menu in the far-right column for each project, in which project details can be reviewed. Select 'Show' to review project information, including revisions and associated approval documents.

Select 'Revision Values' to review project revision specifications.

For jurisdictions using Accela Citizen Access to process SolarAPP+ projects, see this article on how to configure ACA to accept project revisions: How do I set up SolarAPP+ with Accela permitting software?

Locating the Most Recent Approval Document for Inspection

Once inspectors are out in the field to verify that the project information in the inspection checklist is accurate, inspectors must be sure to have available the most up-to-date inspection checklist that reflects all revisions made by the contractor. Inspectors can access the most recent version of the inspection checklist/approval by scanning the QR code in the approval document, which will direct them to the revised inspection document in SolarAPP+. Each jurisdiction may handle or display revisions differently in their government software. Check with your chief inspector to learn more.

The Approval ID number describes version of the inspection checklist and approval document. Note that the Approval ID number will change based on the version of the approved project. If the number ends in A, the inspection checklist contains the project information including initial revisions. If the Approval ID ends in B (shown below), the document contains a second set of revisions. A number ending in C reflects the third set of revisions, and so on.

For more information on inspections, please review this SolarAPP+ inspector's training developed by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC).

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