How do we start using SolarAPP+?

Because SolarAPP+ affects the permitting process for new construction projects, SolarAPP+ is adopted and implemented at the level of the local jurisdiction. City and county governments must enable SolarAPP+ before the tool can process solar permits, which may involve securing approval from the building/permitting department. The SolarAPP+ team would work with the local jurisdiction to integrate the platform into their permitting processes, allowing contractors to utilize the tool for instant permitting.

For public health and safety reasons, SolarAPP+ is only allowed to process solar projects for licensed contractors. Contractors working in the district will need to set up an account to be able to start applying for permits through SolarAPP+. Contractors are able to use a single account to apply for permits within any jurisdiction that has approved SolarAPP+. If you do not have a contractor's license, you will not be able to submit projects into the platform, and you must go through the city or county's traditional permitting process.

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