How does SolarAPP+ impact our existing permit fees?

The process for receiving permitting fees will depend on whether your jurisdiction selects the standalone or integrated SolarAPP+ model. In either case, SolarAPP+ does not affect the fees collected by the city or county, and AHJs may retain their existing permit fee structure.

  1. If using the standalone model, AHJs are asked to register for a Stripe account while filling out the SolarAPP+ onboarding dashboard. Installers submitting projects in your jurisdiction are prompted to submit payments at the end of the project application, at which point the installer must pay both the SolarAPP+ administrative fee and your city/county permitting fees. The city/county fee is processed by Stripe and deposited directly into the AHJ's bank account.
  2. The process is similar if the AHJ has adopted the integrated model. Instead of prompting installers to submit payments to the jurisdiction through Stripe, the installer is directed to submit payments through your online permitting software.

See the related articles on creating a Stripe account and setting permit fees for more information.

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