What is the standalone model versus the integration model?

SolarAPP+ is flexible to your needs. SolarAPP+ offers two options to best meet the needs of different jurisdictions: (1) a stand-alone software for processing solar energy systems, and (2) in conjunction with, or in addition to, other software systems. We have identified a simple solution that will enable software integration with minor enhancements to your existing software. Please register for SolarAPP+ and tell us what software you are using to help us explore which integration method will work for you. 

The standalone model is for jurisdictions who only accept applications via email, mail or in person. In this version, SolarAPP+ directly issues the permit instantly and your permit fees can be paid in the SolarAPP+ portal using Stripe. An installer would walk through the following process:

  • It starts with the installer inputting their project and paying the SolarAPP+ administrative fee.
  • At this point they are now able to pay your city/county’s fee directly in SolarAPP+ using Stripe. These payments go directly to your city's bank account.
  • Approval documents are then sent to both the installer and the jurisdiction. They are also stored in SolarAPP+ for easy future access.
  • Finally, the permit is issued instantly! And all permit and inspection documents are sent to both the installer and the jurisdiction.

The integration model is for jurisdictions already using some type of online permitting portal such as Accela, Tyler Energov, eTRAKiT, or others. Using this version an installer would still input their project into SolarAPP+ and receive their approval documents. They would then be directed to your jurisdiction's portal to complete the process. In your existing portal, they would pay your permitting fee and upload all SolarAPP+ documentation. This concludes with your portal instantly issuing the permit.

  • This method likewise starts with the installer inputting their project and paying our admin fee.
  • Approval documents are then sent to both the installer and the jurisdiction. They are also stored in SolarAPP+ for easy future access.
  • The installer is then directed back to your system where they can pay the permitting fee and upload all SolarAPP+ approval documentation.
  • Your system will instantly issue the permit.

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