How do I set up SolarAPP+ with EnerGov permitting software?

This article describes how to set up SolarAPP+ for jurisdictions with Tyler EnerGov online permitting software. With EnerGov, jurisdictions can allow solar installers to submit projects into SolarAPP+, receive approval documentation, and complete their application in EnerGov. The integration of SolarAPP+ with your EnerGov system is straightforward, but contact or your EnerGov representative if you experience issues.

The configuration for EnerGov to process SolarAPP+ projects is outlined below.

1) Create new permit type/work class

Before any applications can be processed, the jurisdiction must create a new permit type for SolarAPP+ projects in EnerGov. The new permit type must allow for an instant workflow, in which the contractor receives the permit immediately after payment. When creating a title for the new permit type, make sure to match the official format/style ("SolarAPP"). See screenshots below for examples (e.g., San Ramon's permit type: "PHOTOVOLTAIC - ELECTRICAL (SolarAPP)")

2) Locations

In most communities, the first page on EnerGov application includes the address or location of the project. The location page should allow the user to add new addresses and search for property addresses within the jurisdiction's boundaries. 

3) Choose permit type

The second page in the EnerGov application typically allows the contractor to select the permit type. The SolarAPP+ permit type should be selectable in the dropdown menu next to "Permit Type." The user can then enter information into the fields for the description of work and project valuation (if required by the AHJ).

4) Contact information

The Contractor typically then enters the installer's contact information on the Contacts page. If required, the jurisdiction can create a mandatory field for property owner contact info (or other fields for similar requirements).

5) More information

The contractor must then enter critical SolarAPP+ information on this page, including the project type (e.g., residential), and the SolarAPP Approval ID number. The field for the SolarAPP Approval ID must match the format of the ID number (e.g., SA202XX-X-X-X-X).

The jurisdiction may also require the contractor to provide information in additional fields, such as PV KW size.

6) Attachments

On this page, the contractor will upload the required SolarAPP+ Approval Document PDF. The AHJ may also require the contractor to upload datasheet PDFs for the project.

7) Review and submit

On the last page, the contractor may review all information on the application and review estimated fees before completion. Once submitted, and payment is confirmed, the permit is automatically issued. The contractor can then move direct to installation. 

8) Submitting Revisions

If you need to submit a project revision, you will need to resubmit the revised SolarAPP+ application into EnerGov. In the case that you have already scheduled an inspection, make sure you notify the inspector that the project has been revised, so they can use the most up-to-date version of the inspection checklist.

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