How does SolarAPP+ impact my inspection process?

SolarAPP+ is intended to accomplish three primary objectives: 

(1) A safer inspection method for city staff, 

(2) increased consistency of the permits issued, and 

(3) increased efficiency of the inspection process. 

Once the tool is adopted, inspectors would be able to utilize a single inspection checklist form for all contractors using SolarAPP+, promoting efficiency and consistency across installs. The most significant departure from traditional inspections is that inspectors do not verify information using a plan set or physical line diagram. See the related articles for more information on the materials inspectors would review to approve projects.

In pursuing the above goals, the platform aims to improve system installation quality, given there is very low risk of human error or deviation from preprogrammed requirements. Additionally, SolarAPP+ produces a simple inspection checklist highlighting the elements that should be verified during inspection, accompanied by the SolarAPP+ long form, which captures all inputs and calculations done by the program. Inspectors benefit from the comprehensive list of questions asked because it is consistent and produces a simple guide for what to look for in the field. Should an installer deviate from the approved design, project aspects outside the scope of eligibility would be discovered at inspection.

For more information, please review the SolarAPP+ inspector's training developed by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC).

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